What Exactly Is A Sales Funnel

Sam      Sunday, December 10, 2017

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What Exactly Is A Sales Funnel?

​in answering this question I want you to think just for a second how you typically make your buying decisions.

​If you are like most people it can be pretty sporatic and most likely you love to buy things but do not like to be sold.

​In the past companies depended on direct mail, and the telephone to sell their products.

​This still works today however direct mail is much more expensive than it used to be and spending all day on the telephone scares most folks because they aren't sales people.

​With this said the internet has made it simple to simplify the selling process using funnels to sell products.


Typically a prospect will go through these 4 steps while going through a sales funnel.


​1.  Awareness- This is when your prospect has first heard about your product or service. They realize after seeing what you have to offer that they may have a need for it. While they have not made the decision to buy yet they are now aware that you exist and possibly they may do business in the near future. It takes on average 7 exposures before someone makes a buying decision. A squeeze page is essential in the success of your sales funnel. 


​2. Interaction​​​​- This is where you begin to start showing your propects who you are. This can be through content like I am doing right now through this blog or simply through your newsletter when emailing your list. This also includes social media as well where you begin to build up trust with your new leads.


​3. Interest- As you begin to keep in contact with prospects they begin to become more interested. This is because as you are giving value to them they begin to trust your recommendations. Instead of simply just trying to sell you allow your content to do the selling for you. This is also the point where they begin doing research like reviews, and other information to help solidify their decision to buy.


​4. Action- This is where they make the decision to buy your product or service. The last stage in the buying process and really only the beginning. Getting someone to buy from you once is awesome however having them return as a customer is where the real success lies. Its easier to get a returning customer than it is to get a new one.



​Here is a simple funnel just so you understand how the process works...


Simple Sales Funnel


The first step is offering something of value for FREE because you want to collect emails to later offer your services to help them. You will want to use a squeeze page because its the most effective way to keep in contact with potential customers. Here's a top marketers simple sales funnel below.


​The second step (Usually) after they decide to give you their email address is you then send them to a Thank You page. This is pretty much a place where ​you send people to tell them the next step you want them to take. It is also a place to make money if you decide to connect a affiliate offer to your 

​thank you page.



Of course once you are more established this may not be as neccessary because you are already well known. Thats the case with Brett after you optin he immediately sends you to one of his premium products. The lead magnet he used was talking about the product before they got to the sells page as well as giving value in his video.



The overall goal of your sales funnel is to make you more money than you are paying in ads. This same funnel he is using Facebook ads to get the word out about it. It allows you to get time freedom and spend time doing other aspects of your business while your sales funnel does all the heavy lifting.

There are multiple companies you can use in order to build sales funnels for you. They vary in difficulty setting up however after everything is set up its like having a license to print money. Hopefully you should have a good idea of what a sales funnel is and begin using them in your own business.
