About Author

I actually got started in entrepreneurship way back in 2008 when I learned about the concept of Network Marketing.


Well to say the least I failed miserably and ended up losing a ton of money in the process.


I went to family and friends told them about what I wanted to do however it was often met with disappointment and it was very rare I could ever get anyone to buy anything I was promoting.


Fast forward to 2012 I started to look online for solutions because I was tired of getting the results I was getting.


That’s when I discovered Affiliate Marketing at the time when I found it I did not know what it was and was still in that Network Marketing mindset of trying to sell people on my products and services.


After jumping around and having shiny object syndrome I finally learned the best thing anyone can do to finally succeed online.

  1. Build value daily or weekly for your target market
  2. Get it out there by any means social media, paid traffic, offline etc
  3. Build an email list in process of subscribers interested in your value
  4. Scale up


I am now on a mission to help others create a better lifestyle and live life on their terms without all the hassle of trial and error most will experience early on in their online endeavors.


If you are looking for someone that’s honest and a straight shooter that’s been there and done that and still in the trenches, then I am your guy.


I am always learning and experimenting with all things related to Affiliate Marketing.


Have a look around I am constantly putting out new content to help marketers better build their businesses on the internet