5 Reasons Why 95% Of Internet Marketers Fail in Their Online Businesses

Sam      Friday, December 8, 2017

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If you take the time to notice the marketing world today it is quite obvious why the average marketer fails to get any significant results in their online business. We are hounded with new information on a daily basis.

This could be emails we receive of info-products, or some new traffic source (NOONE) is talking about, or some new revolutionary software that will change your business.

In this blogpost you will see 5 Reasons why the majority of Affiliate Marketers, and Network Marketers fail online


1. They Offer Little To No Value To Their Target Market


​If you look at the average marketer on the internet you will notice a common pattern. They are more focused on making money than helping others in their businesses. Maybe they already have a product or service so they do their best to promote it.


Being that many are either just getting started online, or not seeing the results they want they result to just spamming their links. This can be either through the first message to someone or to different Facebook Groups. Generally speaking they are advertsing to everyone regardless of interest and come across as salesy. 


2. They Have A Small Audience And Do Little To Grow Their Following

​Lets face it many of us as marketers forget that we are at the mercy of social media networks. Since algorithms change and activity across social media during different time periods its difficult with a small following. Studies have shown that Facebook only gives you a whopping 7% engagement rate with your audience.


That means If you have less than a thousand friends or followers you will struggle to get sales if you are actively promoting on your wall. Especially if those followers you have are not even remotely interested in what you have. You must be actively networking and growing your following and bringing new people into your world. The best way to do this if you do not have time is using some type of automation to build it for you.


3. They Are Terrified Of Doing Any Type Of Paid Advertising 

​Lets face it we are running a business and in business you need to advertise. A big mistake many make is trying to go the Free route, they try to get FREE TRAFFIC. Well while it is possible to get Free Traffic here is the problem with it. It can take forever sometimes months to even years!!


​With this said its very important to set aside a budget. You can get started for as little as $5 dollars on Facebook. However if you are serious you should be willing to invest $50-$100 on your campaigns. If you have a good funnel for your prospects to go through you shouldn't have any issues producing a profit.


4. They are not building their email list

​A common mistake made my many internet marketers is failure to build their email list. We all heard the cliche the money is in the list and its true. If you are not building an email list then you do not have a business. Of course building an email list is only part of the battle you also have to know how to deliver value to that list not just sell them constantly.


​Its still many marketers still stuck in the past and still cold calling, begging strangers to buy from them, and not building a real assset. Having a email marketing business gives you your time back. When you have an email list you now have an asset that can pay you for years to come, best part is there are always good products to promote if you know where to look.


5. The Elephant In The Room Shiny Object Syndrome

​There is no shortage of ways to make money over the internet today. In fact it can get a little overwhelming when you think about it. From Affiliate Marketing, Shopify, Amazon, Fiverr, Etc. The issue here is focus and sticking to one thing long enough to see the results. Anything you try to do it will not be a cakewalk especially in the Internet Marketing arena. 


If you start a project do your best to finish before starting another one. In most case you will hear the term "Multiple Sources Of Income" discussed loosely online. However most of those people with all their source make less than $1,000 a month some less than $500 a month. The overall idea is if you are willing to put in the work the sky is the limit. However without focus and always switching projects it will be difficult to get any type of momentum.



